PC&A has a committed, dedicated staff willing to be flexible and adapt easily to change to meet the demands of our clients. Our staff provides both professional and technical assistance, and support both on and off site. In addition, PC&A manages an Independent Network of Psychologists for the I/DD Waiver, CSED Waiver and PASRR programs.
Our Proven Process
PC&A Inc. was established in 1979 as a small outpatient practice. Focus was placed on psychological testing, school consultation, and psychotherapy. Over the years, psychological testing has continued to be a part of the practice, but the government consulting and psychotherapy have become the center of PC&A. Simplifying complex government issues and formatting information so that it can be easily communicated are part of our strength.
An initial meeting with individuals and organizations seeking assistance is a must. Helping individuals and organizations to assess their needs and clearly communicate the outcome desired from the beginning is considered imperative. From the onset and throughout the relationship, PC&A staff will help our clients to stay focused on the target outcomes and hopefully achieve the desired outcome.
During and following the initial meeting, a plan will be developed related to an individual’s specific needs and/or the organization’s needs. The plan will be outlined succinctly and discussed and adjusted as needed. A format will be developed for organizations so that all involved will understand the steps and the outcome desired.
PCA will develop training modules, quality assurance plans, data retention plans, and ongoing monitoring to assure that the plan and established goals are met.
Regular and routine review of progress is necessary to allow for adjustments in the plan, training opportunities, reestablishing goals, and remaining focused on the target outcomes.
For organizations, outcomes are evaluated through performance measures for each specific area identified with quality assurance criteria that must be met and quantified. When established thresholds are not met a corrective action plan will be developed and adjustments will be made.